
A seafarer’s job is rather difficult and stressful, requiring both physical stamina and good psychological fitness. In order to improve the living and working conditions of seafarers on board, hygiene norms are defined, and it is essential to strictly follow them to prevent quarantine from happening and to reduce the risk of poisoning. The most

Customs clearance of goods transported by sea often becomes a challenge: incorrect classification or packaging of goods puts the consignment at risk of not reaching the recipient, and the complexity of the documentation to be completed requires accuracy and a fair amount of time. Below are some of the most common customs-related problems and the

Everyone working at sea understands the importance of a balanced diet, which contributes to a sound physical and mental health condition. As it is necessary to plan food and drink stocks for a month or more ahead, making smart choices is crucial: account must be taken of the shelf life of the products, whether they

It is not uncommon that crews spending long months at sea experience anxiety attacks, fatigue, health problems, altered psychological state, and their social skills diminish. The main causes of the stress are lack of motivation, repetitive work, working with people of different nationalities, taking on too much responsibility at work, changes in work, and rare

Problems and dangers of seafarers

People working in the shipping business fall in the top ten in terms of dangers they face. A job on a vessel is considered to be one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Short-sighted people and the ones with a poor immune system face serious physical and mental difficulties. But what are the